Peace Corps

Continuing on with the trend of people who inspire me, I decided to focus this week’s blog post on my sister, Colleen. In September 2013, she left the comfort of her apartment in Washington D.C. to start a new career path working as a volunteer for the Peace Corps.

As the commercial from youtube demonstrates, volunteering for the Peace Corps is a two-year commitment. The Peace Corps works to help people around the world by sending volunteers to work with specific programs. Colleen is stationed in Cameroon, located in western Africa, from September 2013 to November 2015. Her volunteer program is Youth & Development, which she will begin once her training ends in a few weeks.

Multimedia is the reason I am able to keep up with what Colleen is doing. Despite the patchy Internet and frequent power outages in Bafia, Cameroon (where her training takes place), Colleen has been able to write blog entries with photographs of her host family and the city where she is living.

I don’t think the stories she writes in her entries would be as strong without the photographs she includes. Somewhere as different from the United States as Cameroon needs images or video to give people an idea of what living there is like. I still laugh at my mother’s reaction to seeing the bathroom and kitchen of the family’s home where Colleen is staying. (

Colleen’s blog chronicles her experiences in Cameroon in a way that would not be as complete were it not for the photographs. Her blending of words with images truly gives the full picture of what working as a Peace Corps volunteer entails.

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